07 Sep Overcoming Fear
I was listening to a podcast one morning while taking the kids to school and the topic came up about fear. What would you be doing if fear of failure or fear in general wasn’t a factor? It really started to make me think of everything I desire in my life. What have I wanted to do, but felt I was too afraid to make those visions a reality? My journey through spirtual awakening has been an amazing one. I have learned more about myself and what makes me happy. When I am in nature I feel the most connected to God and myself. This connection has driven me to always be insync with nature.
During my divorce, I moved closer to my parents to have a loving support system through it all. I work as a flight attendant so my job would take me away from home for a few days at a time. Depending on the trip. My priority was making sure my girls were safe and taken care of while I was away. Now they are older. I am so grateful how much they have become independent and self-sufficient. My daughters are very smart and growing up to be great young women. Being able to show them the world has always been a dream of mine.
I want them to experience different cultures, eat exotic foods, and learn new languages. With the work lifestyle I am blessed with I am able to do alot of just that. I wanted to take it a step further though. I wanted them to have the flexibility to do all of these things. If this is what I wanted then what was stopping me from doing? I will be writing later about that particular journey as it relates to overcoming fear as well.
Occasionally, while journaling I had to remind myself how far I have come. There was a time I didn’t think I could make it on my own. However, I do have days where I feel like I am just getting by. Realizing this helped me to get over the fear that was holding me back from moving forward. A lot of times we do not do things in life because we fear what others will think or how people will view us. I was over living in that mentality.
I started thinking about how living the life I desire was more in alignment with my purpose. When we start to feel like we are in a constant hampster wheel it is time to do things a little differently. It may be time for new scenery, a new routine, or job. It may be time to take a chance on that new business or take time off to travel. Society has drilled into us that we must live a certain way to be successful. However, I have learned that is simply not true. Living on our own terms is living without fear. Here are a few tips I find helpful when trying to overcome fear.
1. Do not consume the media/news
I know I may get pushback from this, but I don’t care. This tool is used to constantly have you on edge and overwhelmed with anxiety.
2. Don’t be afraid of failure.
Failure is the main reason we do not take risk. We are afraid of things not working out. We are paranoid of what people may say about us. God teaches us to walk by faith and not by sight.
3. Walk in your truth.
Living as your most authentic self can be most fulfilling. Determine what makes you happy and brings joy to your life.
4. Determine what your purpose is in life.
A lot of times we don’t even know what this is yet, but I can tell you it is a strong desire that burns within.
5. Don’t be afraid to be alone.
Having time alone allows you to learn so much about yourself. We need quiet time with ourselves more than we know. I talk a little about this on a previous blog post linked here. https://www.veewess.com/jamaica-my-first-solo-trip/
I hope this was helpful to you. Overcoming fear takes courage. It takes blocking out the noise of society and living the life you desire. I am currently taking the steps necessary to do this for myself and my family. We all deserve to be happy and peaceful. Take the steps to get in alignment with who you are and desire to be. I would love to hear how you have overcome fear. Also, what would you be doing if fear wasn’t a factor? Drop your comments and thank you for reading.
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