Surviving Your First Year of Flying

So you have survived training and you are ready to take the world by storm.  There are sooo many destinations on your bucket list that you can’t wait to pick up.  I decided to write this blog post about surviving your first year of flying because there alot of things you do not know until you are already on the line.  At that point you are expected to be your best and look your best.  So here are a few tips to help.

  • Do not pack your schedule when you start

This is for various reasons.  You do not know how your body will adjust to flying.  It is very rigorous on your body.  Your immune system will also need time to adjust to being exposed to so many germs and sickness.  Once you have hit click to pick up a trip it is your responsibility to show up for it.  You will have plenty of time to see the world.  The last thing you want to do is call in sick while on probation.

  • Have an emergency wellness kit 

This is to reference my previous comments about your body adjusting to constant travel.  I carry at least 2-3 packs of Vitamin C just in case I start to feel something coming on while on a trip.  It is also great to take one before and after a trip to be on the safe side.  Having something available for headaches, nausea, allergies, etc. is a lifesaver.

  •  Learn to meal prep

It is very important to get into a routine of doing this.  Coming out of training you will not be making any money and airport/hotel food can be expensive several times a day.  Meal prepping can come in handy when you don’t have time to get food in between flights. It is often that this will happen and your days will be long.  To avoid the headaches that can occur from going hours without eating I pack at least 2-3 meals, several healthy snacks, & fruit.  Now as much as I try to eat healthy I do throw  quick noodles in my lunch box to eat onboard or in my hotel room.  I generally do this at the latter part of my trip when I have consumed the fresh food I prepared. Trust me you will want to have this in your bag.  It’s not the healthiest, but it will help you survive.  There will be times you will not get to your hotel room until late at night and the hotel may not have all night room service and remember I SAID YOU ARE BROKE! My favorite item to carry with me is the hot logic mini.  It is the best $39 I have spent. Your hotel room will hardly ever have a microwave.  Now as a flight attendant you do want to enjoy the luxuries of traveling to amazing cities,  so if I know I’m going to a place where they have great food then I will definitely splurge on a meal and drinks.  It is also fun to go out with your crew and just be social.  You will fly with some amazing people and some you don’t ever want to see on another trip.  Whew chile!!! LOL!

  • Utilize the resources your company offers

Being a flight attendant can be a lonely experience.  You fly with people you don’t know pretty much every trip and you spend alot of nights in hotels.  As much as this job is looked at as a dream job,  it can become depressing for some.  Fortunately, it hasn’t caused depression for me, but it has caused some anxiety.  I am happy that my company offers resources for us if we are having any of these feelings.  We can reach out to other flight attendants that volunteer their time and understand alot of what you are going through.  Also,  never be ashamed to seek help with anything.  If you feel you need counseling take the steps to set it up.  Your well being and mental health is important.

  • Commuting 

Trying to get to work as a commuter is another job.  This can break you as a flight attendant.  When I say break you I mean it’s tiring as hell.  You waste alot of valuable time and if it does not go well it can mean your job.  Always plan accordingly.  Have back up back up plans to the back up plan. LOL!!  Yes I am serious! I am so thankful we have jumpseats we can book days out for work and for pleasure.  It’s a guaranteed seat to where you need to go.  It takes the stress off a little.  It is always ideal to live in base, but it isn’t everyone’s reality.  Prepare yourself.


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post.  Don’t forget to share and comment.  I would love to hear from you.  Also,  join my email list to receive updates on new post.


  • Veronica
    Posted at 22:34h, 13 May Reply

    Excellent read! I loved life as an airline employee. So many wonderful opportunities. Nicely done.

    • Vee Wess
      Posted at 01:07h, 14 May Reply

      Thank you!! This career is like no other. It affords so many opportunities. I can’t see doing anything else I have to clock in for lol!!

  • Saba
    Posted at 22:47h, 13 May Reply

    I think this is cute and helpful especially the being broke out of training part 😫😫

    • Vee Wess
      Posted at 01:05h, 14 May Reply

      Thank you so much!!! It is so true how much you struggle in the beginning. I am so happy I will be going into my 5th year next year. I will finally feel the jump 🙂

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