24 Hours In Rome
Rome has to be one of my most exciting trips I have had in a long time. The moment I found out I was going I could not contain my excitment. My flight over all I could think about was the mouth watering food &...
Rome has to be one of my most exciting trips I have had in a long time. The moment I found out I was going I could not contain my excitment. My flight over all I could think about was the mouth watering food &...
So you have survived training and you are ready to take the world by storm. There are sooo many destinations on your bucket list that you can't wait to pick up. I decided to write this blog post about surviving your first year of flying...
I can't believe it has been three years since I started training as a flight attendant. It seems like only yesterday I was going through the most grueling schedule of my life. An exhausting 10-14 hour day everyday with little sleep. I couldn't wait until...
Hello San Francisco!! This gem is truly one of my favorite cities in the U.S. It’s unique winding and hilly streets add so much character to the dynamics of this city. ...
Living in the Moment never really was a priority for me before I became a flight attendant. I had not heard much about mindfulness. I always took for granted the time I had with loved ones and friends. We get so caught up in ourselves,...
Barcelona has been one of my most exciting trips. Partly, because it's located on the water. If you know me you know how much I love the beach. It is also a very romantic city. The thought of sangria on the beach with my love...
When I started my flight attendant career I often heard people talk a lot about base preferences. I could understand how this would be at the top of the list of cabin crew conversation. A base, in airline lingo, is where you will report to...