My Top 5 Podcasts for Inspiration & Motivation

About 4 months ago I started listening to several podcasts on my mobile phone.  I always saw the little app displayed on my phone but never explored all that it had to offer.  As I started on my journey to minimalism (will talk about that in a different blog post later) I would come across recommendations for podcasts that would help on my everyday journey to my goals.  The perfect place to listen would be at the gym or my commutes to work.  What I have found through listening to podcast, especially the ones about being a working mom, is that I am not alone in some of my everyday struggles.  Being a mom, flight attendant, entrepreneur, & following my dreams with acting can be overwhelming.  I don’t always know how to juggle it all.  I look for experiences and people to keep me inspired. Below I listed my favorite top 5 podcasts that I listen to regularly.  I hope you will like them too.  Please comment and share your favorites with me. I would love to hear about them.

  1. The Functioning Minimalist
  2. The Purpose Show 
  3. Growth of Greatness
  4. PassportPornstar
  5. The Boss Mom


We all should be going through life with purpose.  I am working hard to try to live my life this way.  A purposeful life to me is having God guide me with pursuing my dreams, growing by businesses, being an inspiration to others, and a great mom/wife to my family. This is what matters most to me.


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